L’industrie maritime et du transport possède de nombreux termes uniques. Ces termes sont très nombreux, mais certains sont utilisés plus fréquemment. Nous avons essayé d’expliquer les 10 principaux termes du transport maritime comme ShipsGo pour vous. La connaissance de ces termes vous apportera de nombreux avantages et vous aidera à acquérir des connaissances.

10 conditions d’expédition à connaître

Nous allons tenter d’expliquer et de fournir des informations sur 10 des termes les plus populaires. Jetons un coup d’œil à ces dix termes !

  • Transporteur
What is Forwarder?

A forwarder is a company that arranges and coordinates the transportation of goods on behalf of shippers. They handle logistics and documentation and often provide additional services like customs clearance and insurance.
Forwarders act as intermediaries between shippers and carriers, ensuring shipments are transported efficiently and cost-effectively.

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Suivi des envois en toute simplicité avec Shipsgo
  • Transporteur
What is Carrier?

Carriers use various means of transportation such as air, sea, rail, or road. Their purpose is to use these routes to transfer shipments from one point to another. They are responsible for the shipping timing and the goods’ safety.

  • Destinataire
What is Consignee?

Consignee is the person responsible for receiving the shipment of goods. Its authority and responsibility are to receive the shipments smoothly and to complete the process.

  • Lettre de transport (BL)
What is a Bill of Lading (BL)?

The bill of lading serves as a receipt for shipments. For example, the type and quantity of shipments can be described as the relations between the carrier and the shipper. These are important documents in international trade.

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  • Incoterms
What are Incoterms?

The Incoterms rules are 11 standard trade terms widely accepted globally. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) designed these rules to streamline domestic and international B2B sales of goods.
Seven of the 11 rules, namely EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAP, DPU, and DDP, can be employed in any mode of transportation, single or multiple. On the other hand, the remaining four rules – FAS, FOB, CFR, and CIF – are exclusively applicable for inland seaways or sea transport.

  • Port de chargement (POL)
What is a Port of Loading (POL)?

Port of Loading (POL) refers to the port where a shipment is loaded onto a vessel for transportation. It is the starting point of the submission process. It is stated in the shipping documents. The port of loading indicates where and where the seller takes responsibility and is important.

Cliquez ici pour connaître les 5 meilleurs ports de Chine

  • Port de déchargement (POD)
What is the Port of Discharge (POD)?

Port of Discharge (POD) refers to the port where a shipment is unloaded from a vessel upon arrival. The destination in the shipping process. It states where the buyer receives the goods and where the customs clearance will take place.

Cliquez ici pour le Top 5 des ports américains

  • Changement de destination (COD)
What is Change of Destination (COD)?

Change of Destination (COD) refers to a change in the delivery destination of a shipment after it has already been in transit. It happens when the shipment is requested to be forwarded to different points. These reasons may occur due to organizational processes or environmental factors. Changing the delivery point of the shipment may cause extra costs due to time and location changes.

Deux des coûts les plus importants sont les surestaries (DM ) et la retenue (DT). Examinons les coûts supplémentaires qui peuvent résulter de ces changements.

  • Surestaries
What is Demurrage Cost?

Demurrage is a cost charged by a carrier or terminal operator when the consignee or receiver of a shipment takes longer than the agreed-upon time to unload or return a container or equipment to the carrier. Demurrage costs can vary depending on the type of equipment, the location, and the duration of the delay and can be significant in some cases.

Cliquez ici pour plus de détails sur les frais de surestaries ➥

  • Détention
What is Detention Pay?

Detention pay is a common term in the seaway transportation industry. It refers to compensation paid to truck drivers for time spent waiting at the port or terminal beyond the allotted free time.
Detention pay is typically paid per hour and can vary depending on the carrier and the shipment being transported.

Cliquez ici pour plus de détails sur la prime de détention ➥

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