Is the house bill of lading number traceable in ShipsGo?
Unfortunately, only master bill of lading numbers, booking numbers, and container numbers are accepted for shipment tracking in the ShipsGo system.
The house bill of lading number is the seaway transportation documents’ number issued by freight forwarders for their clients. So no voyage data can be found when the triggers are made at the shipping line website when doing the query with the house bill of lading number.
How can I track containers?
Carrier lines should specify the container number, bill of lading, or booking number so that you can track the container of your load. Having one of these three references and the carrier’s name is enough to track your shipment.
With the Container Number
A container number is a unique reference that carrier lines allocate and is also marked on the container door. The format of a container number should be composed of 4 letters (company code) followed by 7 digits, so it should be as follows: MAEU1234567. The letters and numbers differ from carrier to carrier.
With the Master Bill of Lading Number
The Master bill of lading number (MBL) is a unique reference that carrier lines allocate. The format of an MBL is composed of letters followed by numbers and varies according to the carrier line.
With the Booking Number
A booking number is a reservation number that the related carrier or its agents provide. When you book a container, you need to be supplied with this number. When you have the booking number, you can easily track your shipment with our tracking tool.